
AWS Application Composer is a visual development tool designed to help you quickly build and configure serverless applications on AWS. It simplifies the process of creating applications by allowing you to drag and drop AWS services into a visual canvas, where you can easily connect and configure them without needing deep expertise in AWS CloudFormation.

Key features of AWS Application Composer include:

  • Visual Canvas: You can visualize and arrange your application components interactively, just like sketching out an architecture on a whiteboard.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): As you build your architecture visually, Application Composer automatically generates the necessary CloudFormation templates.
  • Integration with Development Environments: The tool is integrated into the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, allowing you to seamlessly work between the visual canvas and your code.
  • Support for AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM): Application Composer supports both AWS CloudFormation and AWS SAM, facilitating a wide range of application architectures.

Application Composer is especially useful for developers new to serverless technology by lowering the entry barrier and helping visualize how services connect and interact within their applications. It also supports collaborative work, making it easier to share and review application designs with teammates.

The tool is available at no additional charge; you only pay for the AWS resources you use as part of your application. This approach helps keep costs transparent and manageable as you scale your applications.

For more information or to get started with AWS Application Composer, you can explore its capabilities in the AWS Management Console or use it within Visual Studio Code through the AWS Toolkit​