
AWS DeepRacer is an exciting autonomous racing platform developed developers learn about reinforcement learning (RL), an advanced machine learning (ML) technique. This educational initiative combines a physical 1/18 scale race car, a 3D racing simulator environment provided through AWS, and a series of educational resources to engage users in a fun and competitive way to start learning about machine learning.

Key Features of AWS DeepRacer

  1. Physical and Virtual Race Car: AWS DeepRacer includes a physical model car equipped with a camera, onboard compute capabilities, and sensors that allow it to navigate and understand its environment. There’s also a fully integrated 3D racing simulator available on the AWS console for training and evaluating models.

  2. Reinforcement Learning: The platform leverages reinforcement learning, where models learn optimal actions through trial and error by receiving rewards for successful maneuvers. This approach mimics the way humans learn from experiences.

  3. AWS DeepRacer League: AWS hosts the DeepRacer League, the world’s first global autonomous racing league for machine learning, where developers can compete in virtual and physical races to win prizes and improve their ML skills.

  4. Developer Console: AWS provides a DeepRacer console where users can create, train, and fine-tune their reinforcement learning models. Users can also set up virtual racing environments, define reward functions, and simulate driving conditions.

  5. Community and Education: AWS supports a thriving community of DeepRacer enthusiasts and provides comprehensive educational resources to help developers get started and advance their skills in machine learning.

How It Works

  • Model Training: Developers start by training reinforcement learning models in the AWS DeepRacer console. They define the reward function that tells the model what is good (e.g., staying on the track) and what is bad (e.g., going off track).

  • Simulation: After initial training, the model is tested in a simulated environment where the virtual DeepRacer car navigates a track using the policy learned during training. Developers can watch how their models perform and make adjustments as needed.

  • Fine-tuning: Developers iterate on their models by adjusting parameters, reward functions, and training data based on the performance in simulations to improve how the car handles the track.

  • Physical or Virtual Racing: Once satisfied with the simulation results, developers can download their trained models to a physical DeepRacer car and participate in real-world races, or they can compete in virtual leagues hosted by AWS.


  • Hands-On Learning: Provides a hands-on approach to learning and applying machine learning concepts, particularly reinforcement learning, in a practical and engaging way.

  • Community Engagement: Encourages learning through community engagement and competition, providing a fun and competitive platform to improve skills and interact with other developers.

  • Accessible to Beginners: Designed to be accessible for beginners with little to no prior machine learning experience, while also providing depth for more experienced developers to explore advanced concepts.

Use Cases

  • Educational Institutions: Used by universities and colleges for practical machine learning education, allowing students to apply theoretical concepts in a tangible way.

  • Corporate Training: Enterprises use DeepRacer as a tool for internal developer training and team-building exercises, promoting skills development in a collaborative environment.

  • Personal Skill Development: Individuals use DeepRacer to personally learn about machine learning, engage with a global community of ML practitioners, and compete in leagues for recognition and prizes.

AWS DeepRacer presents an innovative and interactive way to learn about machine learning, making it fun and accessible for developers of all skill levels to start with AI and reinforcement learning.