
  • Fully-managed graph database
  • A popular example of a graph dataset would be a social network
    • Users have friends
    • Posts hae comments
    • Comments have likes from users
    • Users share and like posts…
  • Highly available
    • with replication across 3 AZ
    • with up to 15 read replicas
  • Used to build and run applications with highly-connected datasets
    • Optimized for these complex and hard queries
  • Can store up to billions of relations and query the graph with MILLISECONDS LATENCY
  • Highly available with replication across multiple AZs
  • Great for:
    • knowledge graphs (Wikipedia or dare I say, OBSIDIAN!!!)
    • fraud detection
    • recommendation engines
    • social networking

Neptune Streams

  • Real-time ordered sequence of every change to your graph daa
  • Changes are available immediately after writing
  • No duplicates, strict order
  • Writes are written to:
    • Your Neptune cluster
    • Your Neptune Stream
  • Use cases
    • send notifications when certain changes are made
    • maintain graph data synchronized in another data store
Key words