
AWS Comprehend Medical is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to extract relevant medical information from unstructured text. Designed by Amazon Web Services, this service is specifically tailored for the healthcare and life sciences industries, where it helps users to process and understand medical data from various documents such as clinical notes, laboratory reports, and insurance claims.

Key Features of AWS Comprehend Medical

  1. Medical Entity Recognition: Comprehend Medical can identify medical information such as medical conditions, medications, dosages, tests, treatments, and procedures from unstructured text. It provides contextual details about these entities, including relationships among them.

  2. Protected Health Information (PHI) Detection: It can detect and identify protected health information (PHI) such as names, medical records, addresses, dates, and other details that could be used to identify a patient, supporting compliance with regulations like HIPAA.

  3. Relationship Extraction: The service can extract relationships between the detected medical terms, such as linking a medication with its dosage or a diagnosis with a related test, which is crucial for building comprehensive patient profiles and understanding medical histories.

  4. ICD-10 and RxNorm Linking: AWS Comprehend Medical can link extracted entities to medical coding systems such as ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases) and RxNorm, facilitating the integration of clinical data into medical applications and ensuring consistency across datasets.

  5. Batch and Real-Time Processing: The service supports both batch processing for large volumes of documents and real-time processing for immediate analysis needs, providing flexibility depending on the application requirements.

How It Works

  • Data Input: Users input unstructured text data into Comprehend Medical, which can be clinical notes, trial reports, or any text that contains medical information.

  • Processing: The service uses advanced NLP and machine learning models to analyze the text, extract relevant medical information, and identify relationships between the entities.

  • Data Output: The output is structured data containing identified medical entities, their relationships, and links to medical ontologies where applicable. This data can be used for further medical analysis, reporting, or integration into healthcare applications.


  • Enhanced Data Utilization: Comprehend Medical allows healthcare professionals and researchers to unlock valuable insights from unstructured medical text, enhancing patient care and research capabilities.

  • Efficiency and Accuracy: It automates the extraction of medical information, reducing manual data entry and associated errors, and significantly speeds up the processing of medical documents.

  • Regulatory Compliance: By accurately identifying and potentially anonymizing PHI, Comprehend Medical aids in compliance with health data protection regulations.

Use Cases

  • Clinical Decision Support: Enhancing clinical decision-making tools with more accurate patient data extracted from clinical notes and other medical documentation.

  • Medical Research: Facilitating medical research by quickly extracting and structuring medical data from vast amounts of research papers, clinical trial reports, and other academic materials.

  • Healthcare Process Automation: Automating the processing of insurance claims by extracting relevant data such as diagnoses, procedures, and medication information, which can streamline billing and claims processing.

  • Patient Care Management: Improving patient care management by providing a comprehensive view of patient histories through automated analysis of medical records.

AWS Comprehend Medical is a powerful tool for healthcare organizations, providing them with the means to efficiently process and analyze medical text data, thus driving improvements in patient care, medical research, and healthcare administration.