
Service Overview:

AWS Savings Plans is a flexible pricing model that offers significant savings on AWS usage in exchange for a commitment to a consistent amount of usage, measured in dollars per hour, for a one- or three-year term. It provides a simple and cost-effective way to reduce AWS spending by offering discounts on compute usage (EC2 instances and Fargate tasks) and usage-based services (Lambda and ElastiCache) across AWS Regions.

Key Features:

  1. Flexible Pricing: Savings Plans offer flexible pricing options based on either a commitment to a specific amount of usage (Compute Savings Plans) or a commitment to a specific percentage discount (EC2 Instance Savings Plans).
  2. Automatic Discounting: Savings Plans automatically apply discounts to eligible usage across AWS services, ensuring maximum savings without the need to manage reservations or capacity.
  3. Simplified Management: Savings Plans consolidate and simplify pricing discounts across AWS services, making it easier to manage and predict AWS spending compared to traditional Reserved Instances.
  4. No Upfront Payments: Unlike Reserved Instances, Savings Plans do not require upfront payments, providing flexibility for businesses with fluctuating usage patterns.
  5. Flexibility and Coverage: Savings Plans offer coverage across a wide range of AWS services and instance types, including EC2 instances, Fargate tasks, Lambda functions, and ElastiCache usage.
  6. Regional Flexibility: Savings Plans are flexible across AWS Regions, allowing customers to apply savings to usage in any Region where Savings Plans are available.
  7. Adjustable Commitments: Savings Plans offer flexibility to adjust commitments as usage patterns change, allowing customers to optimize savings over time.
  8. No Resource Management: Savings Plans do not require capacity reservations or resource management, simplifying the purchasing process and reducing administrative overhead.

How It Works:

  1. Purchase Savings Plans: Customers purchase Savings Plans through the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs, specifying the desired commitment amount or discount rate and the term length (one or three years).
  2. Automatic Discounting: Savings Plans automatically apply discounts to eligible usage across AWS services based on the purchased plan, reducing AWS bills without the need for manual intervention.
  3. Usage Tracking: AWS tracks usage against the purchased Savings Plans, ensuring that discounts are applied to eligible usage across AWS services and Regions.
  4. Adjustment and Optimization: Customers can adjust their Savings Plans commitments as usage patterns change, optimizing savings over time without incurring penalties or fees.
  5. Visibility and Reporting: AWS provides visibility and reporting tools to track Savings Plans usage and savings, allowing customers to monitor spending and optimize commitments as needed.


  1. Cost Savings: Savings Plans offer significant discounts on AWS usage, resulting in lower AWS bills compared to pay-as-you-go pricing.
  2. Flexibility: Savings Plans provide flexibility to adjust commitments as usage patterns change, ensuring optimal savings without upfront payments or capacity reservations.
  3. Simplified Management: Savings Plans consolidate pricing discounts across AWS services, simplifying management and reducing administrative overhead compared to Reserved Instances.
  4. Predictable Costs: Savings Plans provide predictable costs and savings over time, allowing customers to forecast and budget for AWS spending more effectively.
  5. Coverage Across Services: Savings Plans offer coverage across a wide range of AWS services and instance types, providing savings on both compute usage and usage-based services.
  6. Regional Flexibility: Savings Plans are flexible across AWS Regions, allowing customers to apply savings to usage in any Region where Savings Plans are available.
  7. No Resource Management: Savings Plans do not require capacity reservations or resource management, allowing customers to focus on their business priorities instead of infrastructure management.

Use Cases:

  1. Production Workloads: Use Savings Plans to reduce costs for long-running production workloads with predictable usage patterns, such as web applications, databases, and batch processing jobs.
  2. Development and Testing: Use Savings Plans to lower costs for development and testing environments by committing to a consistent amount of usage over time.
  3. Containerized Workloads: Use Savings Plans to optimize costs for containerized workloads running on AWS Fargate, reducing expenses for container orchestration and management.
  4. Serverless Applications: Use Savings Plans to save on usage-based services such as AWS Lambda, reducing costs for serverless application development and deployment.
  5. Data Analytics: Use Savings Plans to lower costs for data analytics workloads running on Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift, and other analytics services, reducing expenses for data processing and analysis.

AWS Savings Plans provide a flexible and cost-effective pricing model for reducing AWS spending, offering significant discounts on compute usage and usage-based services across AWS Regions. By committing to a consistent amount of usage or a specific discount rate, customers can achieve substantial savings on their AWS bills without the need for upfront payments or resource management.