
AWS NICE EnginFrame is a web-based portal and job submission system provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the management and execution of high-performance computing (HPC) workloads in the cloud. It enables users to submit, monitor, and manage computational jobs on AWS infrastructure, facilitating the efficient utilization of compute resources and accelerating time-to-insight for scientific, engineering, and technical computing applications.

Key Features of AWS NICE EnginFrame

  1. Web-Based Interface: NICE EnginFrame provides a user-friendly web interface for accessing and interacting with HPC resources and workflows. Users can log in to the portal from any web browser, regardless of their physical location or device.

  2. Job Submission and Management: NICE EnginFrame allows users to submit, monitor, and manage computational jobs across distributed clusters and cloud instances. It provides job submission forms, templates, and wizards for configuring job parameters, dependencies, and resource requirements.

  3. Resource Allocation: NICE EnginFrame enables administrators to allocate compute resources, such as virtual machines (VMs) and high-performance computing (HPC) clusters, to users and groups based on predefined policies and quotas. It supports dynamic resource provisioning and elastic scaling to accommodate varying workload demands.

  4. Workflow Automation: NICE EnginFrame automates common HPC workflows, such as job scheduling, dependency management, and result visualization. It supports workflow templates, scripting, and automation tools for streamlining repetitive tasks and optimizing resource utilization.

  5. Integration with HPC Tools: NICE EnginFrame integrates with popular HPC tools and schedulers, such as SLURM, PBS, and LSF, to manage job execution, resource allocation, and scheduling policies. It provides compatibility with industry-standard HPC software stacks and libraries.

  6. Performance Monitoring: NICE EnginFrame offers performance monitoring and reporting capabilities for tracking job progress, resource utilization, and system metrics. It generates real-time dashboards, charts, and alerts to provide insights into cluster performance and efficiency.

  7. Security and Compliance: NICE EnginFrame ensures secure access to HPC resources and data by enforcing authentication, authorization, and encryption mechanisms. It integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for user authentication and role-based access control (RBAC).

How It Works

  1. User Authentication: Users log in to the NICE EnginFrame portal using their credentials (username/password or single sign-on) to access HPC resources and workflows.

  2. Job Submission: Users submit computational jobs to the NICE EnginFrame portal using job submission forms or templates. They specify job parameters, input data, dependencies, and resource requirements.

  3. Resource Allocation: NICE EnginFrame allocates compute resources (VMs, HPC clusters) to users and groups based on predefined policies and quotas. It provisions resources dynamically and elastically to accommodate varying workload demands.

  4. Job Execution: NICE EnginFrame schedules and executes submitted jobs on allocated compute resources using compatible HPC schedulers and job management systems. It monitors job progress, resource utilization, and system metrics in real time.

  5. Result Visualization: Upon job completion, NICE EnginFrame provides tools for visualizing, analyzing, and interpreting computational results. It supports data visualization libraries, plotting tools, and interactive dashboards for exploring output data.

  6. Workflow Automation: NICE EnginFrame automates common HPC workflows, such as job scheduling, dependency management, and result processing. It provides scripting, workflow templates, and automation tools for streamlining repetitive tasks.

  7. Security and Compliance: NICE EnginFrame ensures secure access to HPC resources and data by enforcing authentication, authorization, and encryption mechanisms. It integrates with AWS IAM for user authentication and RBAC.


  • Ease of Use: NICE EnginFrame offers a user-friendly web interface for accessing and interacting with HPC resources and workflows, simplifying job submission, monitoring, and management tasks.

  • Resource Efficiency: NICE EnginFrame optimizes resource allocation and utilization, enabling efficient utilization of compute resources and minimizing idle capacity.

  • Workflow Automation: NICE EnginFrame automates common HPC workflows, reducing manual intervention and streamlining repetitive tasks to accelerate time-to-insight.

  • Scalability and Elasticity: NICE EnginFrame scales dynamically to accommodate growing workloads and user demands, providing elasticity and scalability for HPC applications.

  • Security and Compliance: NICE EnginFrame ensures secure access to HPC resources and data, enforcing authentication, authorization, and encryption mechanisms to protect sensitive information.

AWS NICE EnginFrame is a powerful platform for managing and executing HPC workloads in the cloud, providing ease of use, resource efficiency, workflow automation, scalability, and security for a wide range of scientific, engineering, and technical computing applications.