
AWS Direct Connect is a cloud service solution that makes it easy to establish a dedicated network connection from your premises to AWS.

You can use AWS Direct Connect to establish a private virtual interface from your on-premise network directly to your Amazon VPC, providing you with a private, high bandwidth network connection between your network and your VPC. This connection is private and does not go over the public internet. It takes at least a month to establish this physical connection.

AWS Direct Connect is a cloud service solution that makes it easy to establish a dedicated network connection from your premises to AWS. You can use AWS Direct Connect to establish a private virtual interface from your on-premise network directly to your Amazon VPC, providing you with a private, high bandwidth network connection between your network and your VPC. This connection is private and does not go over the public internet. It takes at least a month to establish this physical connection.

DX Virtual Interfaces (3)

Public Virtual Interface

To connect to AWS resources that are reachable by a public IP address such as an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or AWS public endpoints, use a public virtual interface. With a public virtual interface, you can:

  • Connect to all AWS public IP addresses globally
  • Create public virtual interfaces in any direct
  • Access publicly routable Amazon services in any AWS Region (except the AWS China Region).

Private Virtual Interface

Transit Virtual Interface
