
AWS Wavelength extends the AWS cloud to a global network of 5G edge locations to enable developers to innovate and build a whole new class of applications that require ultra-low latency. Wavelength Zones provide a high-bandwidth, secure connection to the parent AWS Region, allowing developers to seamlessly connect to the full range of services in the AWS Region through the same APIs and toolsets.

Service Overview:

AWS Wavelength is a unique edge computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that brings AWS compute and storage services to the edge of the 5G networks of telecommunications providers. By deploying AWS infrastructure at the edge of the telecommunications network, AWS Wavelength enables developers to build ultra-low-latency applications that can benefit from the proximity to end-users and connected devices.

Key Features:

  1. Edge Computing Infrastructure: AWS Wavelength provides a distributed infrastructure at the edge of 5G networks, allowing developers to deploy AWS compute and storage resources closer to end-users and devices.
  2. Ultra-Low Latency: By leveraging the proximity to end-users and connected devices, AWS Wavelength enables ultra-low-latency application experiences, reducing latency and improving responsiveness for real-time applications.
  3. Integration with 5G Networks: AWS Wavelength integrates seamlessly with the 5G networks of telecommunications providers, enabling direct connectivity and high-bandwidth, low-latency communication between AWS services and 5G-enabled devices.
  4. Native AWS Services: AWS Wavelength supports a subset of AWS services, including Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon EBS volumes, allowing developers to run their existing AWS workloads at the edge without modification.
  5. Consistent AWS APIs and Tools: Developers can use familiar AWS APIs, SDKs, and management tools to deploy and manage applications on AWS Wavelength, simplifying development, deployment, and operations.
  6. Isolation and Security: AWS Wavelength provides isolation and security features, including virtual private clouds (VPCs), security groups, and encryption, to protect applications and data running at the edge.
  7. Scalability and Resilience: AWS Wavelength offers scalable and resilient infrastructure, automatically scaling resources based on demand and providing high availability and fault tolerance for mission-critical applications.
  8. Global Coverage: AWS Wavelength is available in multiple regions worldwide, enabling developers to deploy edge applications close to end-users and devices in major metropolitan areas and regions served by participating telecommunications providers.
  9. Partner Ecosystem: AWS Wavelength partners with leading telecommunications providers to deliver edge computing services, offering a rich ecosystem of connectivity options and network integration capabilities.
  10. Use Case Optimization: AWS Wavelength is optimized for use cases such as real-time gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), video streaming, IoT, and machine learning (ML), where low latency and high throughput are critical for optimal user experiences.

How It Works:

  1. Telecommunications Integration: AWS partners with telecommunications providers to deploy AWS infrastructure at the edge of their 5G networks, collocating AWS compute and storage resources with telecommunications equipment.
  2. Developer Deployment: Developers deploy their applications on AWS Wavelength using familiar AWS services, APIs, and tools, specifying the desired AWS region and Wavelength Zone where they want to deploy their resources.
  3. Edge Application Development: Developers build edge applications using AWS services such as Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS IoT, leveraging the low-latency connectivity provided by Wavelength Zones.
  4. Network Optimization: Developers optimize their applications for low latency and high throughput by minimizing network round trips, using content delivery networks (CDNs), and leveraging caching and pre-fetching techniques.
  5. Edge Device Integration: Developers integrate edge applications with 5G-enabled devices, IoT sensors, cameras, drones, and other connected devices, leveraging the high-speed, low-latency connectivity provided by AWS Wavelength.
  6. Real-Time Data Processing: Edge applications process real-time data streams from edge devices, analyze data locally at the edge, and make near-real-time decisions without relying on centralized cloud infrastructure, reducing latency and improving responsiveness.
  7. Hybrid Cloud Connectivity: Edge applications can seamlessly integrate with cloud-based backend services and data stores running in traditional AWS regions, enabling hybrid cloud architectures for distributed computing and data processing.
  8. Monitoring and Optimization: Developers monitor and optimize the performance of edge applications using AWS CloudWatch metrics, logs, and alarms, identifying bottlenecks, optimizing resource utilization, and improving overall application performance.


  1. Ultra-Low Latency: AWS Wavelength enables ultra-low-latency application experiences by colocating AWS infrastructure with 5G networks, reducing round-trip times and improving responsiveness for real-time applications.
  2. Improved User Experience: Edge applications running on AWS Wavelength provide faster response times and smoother user experiences for interactive applications such as gaming, AR, VR, video streaming, and IoT.
  3. Scalability and Resilience: AWS Wavelength offers scalable and resilient infrastructure, automatically scaling resources based on demand and providing high availability and fault tolerance for mission-critical applications.
  4. Global Reach: AWS Wavelength is available in multiple regions worldwide, enabling developers to deploy edge applications close to end-users and devices in major metropolitan areas and regions served by participating telecommunications providers.
  5. Simplified Development: Developers can use familiar AWS services, APIs, and tools to develop, deploy, and manage edge applications on AWS Wavelength, streamlining the development lifecycle and reducing time-to-market.
  6. Cost Optimization: AWS Wavelength helps optimize costs by reducing the need for data backhaul and minimizing the amount of data transferred over long distances, resulting in lower data transfer costs and improved cost efficiency for edge applications.

Use Cases:

  1. Real-Time Gaming: Gaming companies use AWS Wavelength to deploy multiplayer game servers at the edge, reducing latency and providing a smoother gaming experience for players.
  2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR applications leverage AWS Wavelength to render immersive experiences at the edge, minimizing motion sickness and improving immersion for users.
  3. Video Streaming: Media companies use AWS Wavelength to deliver low-latency video streaming services to mobile devices, enabling seamless playback and reducing buffering and playback delays.
  4. Internet of Things (IoT): IoT applications leverage AWS Wavelength to process sensor data and trigger real-time actions at the edge, enabling faster response times and reducing reliance on centralized cloud infrastructure.
  5. Machine Learning Inference: ML applications use AWS Wavelength to perform inferencing at the edge, analyzing data locally and making predictions in real-time without requiring round trips to cloud-based inference endpoints.
  6. Smart Cities and Infrastructure: Smart city initiatives use AWS Wavelength to deploy edge applications for traffic management, public safety, environmental monitoring, and infrastructure optimization, enabling faster decision-making and improved citizen services.
  7. Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare: Telemedicine platforms leverage AWS Wavelength to provide real-time video consultations, remote patient monitoring, and medical diagnostics at the edge, improving healthcare access and patient outcomes.

AWS Wavelength empowers developers to build innovative edge applications with ultra-low latency and high throughput, delivering superior user experiences and enabling new use cases and business opportunities in industries such as gaming, media, IoT, and healthcare.