
Service Overview:

AWS Elemental MediaStore is a high-performance and durable object storage service optimized for media delivery, designed to store and serve media assets such as videos, audio files, and images at scale with low latency and high throughput. MediaStore provides the reliability, security, and performance required for delivering streaming media content to viewers across various devices and platforms.

Key Features:

  1. High Performance: MediaStore offers high-performance storage with low latency and high throughput, optimized for delivering media assets to viewers with minimal delay and maximum efficiency, even during peak traffic periods.
  2. Durability and Redundancy: MediaStore provides durable storage with built-in redundancy and data replication across multiple Availability Zones, ensuring high availability and data durability for media assets stored in the service.
  3. Streaming Optimized: MediaStore is optimized for streaming media delivery, with support for byte-range requests, partial content retrieval, and efficient caching mechanisms, enabling seamless playback and fast content delivery to end-users.
  4. Security and Access Control: MediaStore offers granular access control and encryption features to protect media assets stored in the service, ensuring that only authorized users and applications can access and retrieve sensitive content.
  5. Integration with CDN: MediaStore integrates seamlessly with content delivery networks (CDNs) such as Amazon CloudFront, enabling organizations to leverage global edge caching and distribution for efficient content delivery and low-latency streaming to viewers worldwide.
  6. Simplified Workflow: MediaStore simplifies the media delivery workflow by providing a managed storage solution for media assets, eliminating the need for organizations to manage and scale their own storage infrastructure, reducing operational overhead and complexity.
  7. Cost-Effective Pricing: MediaStore offers cost-effective pricing with pay-as-you-go pricing model and no upfront fees, allowing organizations to pay only for the storage and bandwidth they use, without overprovisioning resources or incurring unnecessary costs.
  8. Monitoring and Metrics: MediaStore provides real-time monitoring and metrics dashboards, allowing users to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as storage usage, request rates, and latency metrics for optimization and troubleshooting.

How It Works:

  1. Storage Configuration: Users configure MediaStore containers to store their media assets, specifying settings such as container name, access permissions, and encryption options for securing the stored content.
  2. Asset Upload: Users upload media assets to MediaStore containers using standard HTTP PUT requests or API calls, storing the files securely in the service with built-in durability and redundancy across multiple Availability Zones.
  3. Asset Retrieval: Users retrieve media assets from MediaStore containers using HTTP GET requests or API calls, with support for byte-range requests and partial content retrieval for efficient streaming and playback.
  4. Integration with CDN: Users integrate MediaStore containers with CDN distributions such as Amazon CloudFront, configuring cache behaviors and distribution settings to optimize content delivery and reduce latency for end-users.
  5. Access Control: Users manage access control for MediaStore containers, specifying permissions and policies to control who can upload, download, and delete media assets stored in the service, ensuring secure and authorized access to sensitive content.
  6. Monitoring and Alerts: Users monitor MediaStore containers using real-time dashboards and metrics, tracking storage usage, request rates, and latency metrics for optimization and troubleshooting, with support for custom alerts and notifications.
  7. Scaling and Elasticity: MediaStore automatically scales to handle fluctuations in storage and request traffic, provisioning resources dynamically to accommodate growing storage needs and increasing demand for media assets without manual intervention.


  1. High-Performance Storage: MediaStore offers high-performance object storage optimized for streaming media delivery, with low latency and high throughput for fast and efficient content delivery to viewers.
  2. Durability and Redundancy: MediaStore provides durable storage with built-in redundancy and data replication across multiple Availability Zones, ensuring high availability and data durability for stored media assets.
  3. Streaming Optimization: MediaStore is optimized for streaming media delivery, with support for byte-range requests, partial content retrieval, and efficient caching mechanisms, enabling seamless playback and fast content delivery to end-users.
  4. Security and Compliance: MediaStore offers granular access control and encryption features to protect stored media assets, ensuring compliance with security and privacy regulations and preventing unauthorized access to sensitive content.
  5. Cost-Effective Pricing: MediaStore offers cost-effective pricing with pay-as-you-go model and no upfront fees, allowing organizations to pay only for the storage and bandwidth they use, without overprovisioning resources or incurring unnecessary costs.
  6. Simplified Workflow: MediaStore simplifies the media delivery workflow by providing a managed storage solution for media assets, reducing operational overhead and complexity for organizations managing large volumes of media content.
  7. Integration with CDN: MediaStore integrates seamlessly with CDNs such as Amazon CloudFront, enabling organizations to leverage global edge caching and distribution for efficient content delivery and low-latency streaming to viewers worldwide.

Use Cases:

  1. OTT Video Streaming: MediaStore powers OTT (Over-the-Top) video streaming services, enabling broadcasters and content providers to store and deliver streaming media content to viewers across multiple devices and platforms with low latency and high throughput.
  2. Live Event Broadcasting: MediaStore facilitates live event broadcasting for sports, concerts, conferences, and other live events, allowing organizers to store and serve media assets for seamless live streaming and on-demand access by remote viewers.
  3. VOD Content Distribution: MediaStore supports video-on-demand (VOD) content distribution for movie studios, content aggregators, and streaming platforms, enabling secure storage and efficient delivery of premium video content to subscribers and rental customers worldwide.
  4. Media Archives and Libraries: MediaStore assists organizations in managing and preserving large-scale media archives, film libraries, and digital asset repositories, with durable and scalable storage solutions optimized for long-term preservation and retrieval.
  5. CDN Origin Storage: MediaStore serves as an origin storage solution for CDNs such as Amazon CloudFront, providing a reliable and scalable storage backend for caching and distributing streaming media content to edge locations for efficient content delivery.
  6. E-Learning Platforms: MediaStore powers e-learning platforms and educational institutions in storing and serving educational videos, lectures, and course materials to students and learners, with secure and scalable storage infrastructure for online learning resources.
  7. Digital Media Workflows: Media Store supports digital media workflows for content creation, post-production, and distribution, providing a centralized storage solution for media assets such as video clips, audio files, and graphics, with support for collaborative editing, versioning, and metadata management.
  8. Enterprise Video Communications: MediaStore facilitates enterprise video communications and corporate training applications, allowing organizations to store and deliver internal communications, training videos, and corporate announcements to employees and stakeholders.
  9. Healthcare Telemedicine: MediaStore serves healthcare providers in storing and serving medical imaging data, telemedicine consultations, and remote patient monitoring videos, with secure and HIPAA-compliant storage solutions for healthcare applications.
  10. Retail and E-Commerce: MediaStore enables retailers and e-commerce businesses to store and deliver product videos, marketing content, and virtual shopping experiences to customers, enhancing engagement and driving sales conversions with rich media assets.

AWS Elemental MediaStore empowers organizations to store, manage, and deliver streaming media content at scale, with high-performance storage solutions optimized for low-latency streaming, reliable content delivery, and secure access control.