
Bottlerocket is an open-source, Linux-based operating system specifically designed for running containers on virtual machines or bare metal hosts. Developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bottlerocket focuses on security, maintainability, and ease of management, making it an ideal choice for running containerized applications, particularly those orchestrated by Kubernetes.

Key Features of Bottlerocket

  1. Container-Optimized: Bottlerocket is built from the ground up to optimize the hosting of containers. This means it includes only the essential components needed to run containers, thereby reducing its attack surface and overhead.

  2. Immutability: One of the core principles of Bottlerocket is its immutable filesystem. This design approach helps in preventing corruption and interference with the host operating system, as well as reducing the surface area for attacks.

  3. Atomic Updates: Bottlerocket updates are applied atomically. This feature reduces the chances of updates failing and potentially leaving the system in an unstable or insecure state. If an update does cause issues, Bottlerocket can automatically roll back to the previous stable version.

  4. Integrated with Container Orchestrators: While Bottlerocket can be used with various container orchestrators, it is primarily optimized for use with Kubernetes. AWS provides integrations that allow easy management and operation within a Kubernetes ecosystem.

  5. Security Enhancements: Bottlerocket includes several built-in security features, such as SELinux enabled by default, which enhances the security isolation between containers.

  6. Minimalist OS Design: By stripping down to only what is necessary for container deployment and operation, Bottlerocket improves performance and reduces potential pathways for security vulnerabilities.

How It Works

  • Deployment: Bottlerocket instances can be deployed just like any other instances in AWS. They are particularly suited for use with Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) and EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service).

  • Management and Updates: The OS includes a mechanism called the update operator, which works with Kubernetes to manage updates. This operator coordinates reboots after updates, minimizing disruption to running applications.

  • Configuration and Customization: Bottlerocket supports the use of a TOML-based configuration file for changing settings at boot time. This allows customization without the need to modify the operating system itself.


  • Enhanced Security: The minimal footprint and immutable nature of Bottlerocket help enhance the security of containerized applications by reducing the attack surface.

  • Ease of Maintenance: Automatic updates and rollbacks simplify the maintenance of systems, reducing the operational overhead typically associated with patch management.

  • Optimized Performance: By removing unnecessary components, Bottlerocket is lightweight and fast, designed specifically for running containers, which can lead to better resource utilization.

Use Cases

  • Cloud-Native Applications: Ideal for businesses deploying modern, containerized applications that require robust security and efficient scaling.
  • Microservices Architectures: Perfect for microservices running on Kubernetes, where each service runs in its container, benefiting from Bottlerocket’s container-specific optimizations.
  • DevOps and Agile Environments: Supports rapid iteration and deployment cycles typical in DevOps practices, facilitated by its ease of update and rollback.

Bottlerocket reflects AWS’s commitment to the container ecosystem, providing a secure, maintainable, and efficient option for deploying and managing container workloads in the cloud or on-premises environments.